Services and prices
Being specialized on pharma business, we know all about Neuromarketing and customers' satisfaction. We apply modern eye-tracking technique and AI power to define you customers' real interest. Our services are based on product category.
OTC / biological supplements / medical devices / cosmetics
- Neuromerchandising. Defining the best product places in retail stores and pharmacies ("hot" and "cold" zones).
- Neurousability. Webpage usability for online-shops to check the products' promotion visibility (B2B & B2C).
- Neurodesign. Checking promotional B2B&B2C-materials with eye-tracking technology and advising to improve design.
- Neuropackaging & label design. Defining the best product package/label based on eye-tracking technique results.
Rx medicaments and non-promotional medicaments
- Neurousability. Webpage usability for B2B to check the visibility of the products and information for professionals.
- Neurodesign. Checking promotional B2B-materials with eye-tracking technology and advising to improve design.
- Neuropackaging & Label design. Defining the best product package/label based on eye-tracking technique results.
- Evaluating Medicine Information Leaflets. Checking with an eye-tracking the visibility of required information to the doctors, pharmacists, and patients about the medicines.
Contact us to get your personal Neuromarketing advice.